Youth is a big focus.
FoGG funds transportation costs for schools with limited finances so their students can participate.
The Friends of Garden of the Gods also support preschool, and Junior Ranger activities.

Youth is our big focus. Over 4,000 school children attend our School Field Trip program annually. We also support preschool, and Junior Ranger activities.

Members help staff the kiosk in the Visitors and Nature Center, interacting with and informing millions of Park visitors.
Each year, we support and participate in Bighorn Sheep Day, Earth Day, Fossil Day and the annual Audubon Bird Count in the Park.
FoGG participates in funding nonprofit groups that help maintain and preserve the Park.
We raise funds through memberships, grants and other fundraising activities.

FoGG participates in Park maintenance and care. We contribute funds to other nonprofit groups who help maintain and preserve the Park. We raise funds through memberships, grants and other fundraising activities.