
  • Provide supplies used by the city staff for school field trip programs that serve thousands of Colorado Springs school children.

  • Fund transportation costs for schools with limited finances so their students can participate.

  • Provided bear proof trash cans in conjunction with the GoG Foundation

  • Funded the development of a new Junior Ranger program booklet that debuted in 2020.

  • Funded the Geology Walk stone markers on the Gateway Trail to help visitors understand the geology of the park.

  • FoGG purchased a new rattlesnake and bear pelt for use in classes, touch tables and school programs.

Membership Support

  • Members receive the FoGGhorn newsletter which is published and distributed quarterly
  • Periodic ‘E-blasts’ provide the latest news and details for members-only social events.

  • The FoGG board publishes articles in local newspapers to increase awareness of FoGG.
  • Our members participate in exclusive social events and field trips led by local experts.
  • The annual membership meeting, hosted and catered by our board, includes an address by our president and entertainment.
  • Our annual fund-raising luncheon follows the December Audubon bird count.
  • We contribute tens of thousands of dollars to Rocky Mountain Field Institute (RMFI) each year for trail restoration and re-vegetation of the Park.
  • We influence projects affecting the park, such as the 30th Street Improvement Project design.
  • Funded the purchase of a new maintenance utility vehicle for park ranger use. We coordinate monthly volunteer clean-up of 30th Street and the Mesa Overlook.
  • Funded the purchase of 15 new picnic tables designed for heavy, outdoor use for the Scotsman and South Spring Canyon picnic areas.
  • We attend and speak at City Parks Advisory Board meetings and City Council meetings in support of Garden of the Gods.

Community Involvement and Fundraising

  • We maintain close relationships with organizations focused on Garden of the Gods: The City of Colorado Springs Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department, Visitor & Nature Center Staff, Garden of the Gods Foundation, RMFI, TOSC, and the Trading Post.
  • Every year, along with the TOSC and the Visitor & Nature Center, we host the Moonlight Hike in the Garden.

  • We participate in the Advisory Forum of Friends Groups established by the City Parks Department.
  • Our annual fundraiser raises thousands of dollars to support the Garden of the Gods.