Who We Are

Friends of Garden of the Gods (FoGG) is an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1991 to ensure the Garden of the Gods park remains cared for and beautiful for future generations. Our mission, with our partners, is to promote, preserve and enhance the natural and cultural assets of the Park through advocacy, education and support.

Youth education is a primary goal. We fund the School Field Trip program for over 4,000 students annually, including full funding for 2,000 students. We also support preschool and Junior Ranger programs.

FoGG participates in and supports a variety of special events and public programs, including Bighorn Sheep Day, Earth Day, Fossil Day, and Summer Bat Walks.

FoGG participates in park maintenance and care by providing grants for trail restoration, habitat restoration, repairs, and flood mitigation. Additionally, FoGG members participate in park clean-up, maintenance, and restoration projects in partnership with land managers.

What We Do

• Ensure support for the Park remains a priority within our community
• Advocate for Garden of the Gods to local government, including helping to initiate and fund much-needed improvements to Park infrastructure

• Support free educational programs and events in cooperation with our partners
• Inspire citizens to develop an appreciation and sense of responsibility for our public spaces
• Promote responsible and sustainable use of Garden of the Gods

• Provide funding for school field trips
• Provide grants for trail restoration, habitat reclamation, and other vital park maintenance
• Lead and participate in park-clean ups, trail restoration, and habitat conservation for park maintenance in partnership with the City of Colorado Springs
• Participate in community and special events focusing on public outreach and education

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